In April 8, 1995 a trip to Eastern Ohio was taken to investigate sasquatch sighting locations. We started out at 6 AM from Peggy's house and arrived at Flushing, Ohio around 11 AM. I was attended on the trip by Brian Skow of A.S.K.(1), Peggy Tillman, Jim Donohoe, and Veronica Birchett (Peggy's sister). Plans had been made to visit three sights. We did not visit the first sight in Flushing, Ohio because the person we were supposed to meet was not home and could not be reached all day.
We called Don Keeting and he told us to meet him in Newcomerstown, Ohio. By the time we met Don it was about 1 PM. The day was partly cloudy to begin with then turned stormy. A chance of showers all day had been forecast. The temperature was about 70° F. The ground was soft but not soggy. It ended tip that we only visited one place. The location where Don had filmed a white sasquatch.
We arrived at the wilderness area about 2 PM and unloaded ourselves and our gear. This is a very remote area that hunters and fishermen frequent. Don told us there were a few sightings in this area and he showed us were he was standing while he filmed the white sasquatch. Brian checked out where the sasquatch was seen walking while we tried to estimate the height of the surrounding foliage and fence posts. The distance to where the sasquatch was walking was roughly 200 yards.
We laid out our plan of where we were going to look and proceeded. The area is heavily wooded and getting around was quite difficult at times. Lakes were in abundance and pine trees were everywhere. There were some steep hill sides to walk over and the first thing we found was broken trees and broken tree limbs. These limbs seemed to have been broken recently, within days I would say. The exposed part of the break was very white and did not show any weathering. In the location of the broken limbs a lot of the ground plants showed signs of being trampled, as if a large animal had been wandering back and forth all through the area. In the vicinity of the broken limbs, piles of loose grass and bush had been laid and mashed down, maybe as a bed. About three trees in this condition were found in the surrounding area.
After looking a round for a couple of hours, we came upon a small ravine at the corner of a lake. The bank of the lake rose about thirty feet to a small ridge that ran along one side of a lake. This ridge turned and formed a land bridge between two lakes. The entire area of the land bridge was covered in pine trees with a reddish-brown pine needle carpet underneath. One side of the ravine is covered in pine needles and the on other side grow grass and bushes. At a distance of roughly ten feet from the top of the ravine, it looked as if sasquatch had jumped over to the pine tree side and landed flat, with both feet, side by side. Where the feet contacted the ground, all the pine needles were gone leaving a right and a left foot print outlined in the needles. The ravine's sides inclined at 45° so no casts were attempted.
At the back or bottom of the prints, a small amount of pine needle debris and dirt was piled up as if the creature had pushed off as he proceeded. These prints were quit clear and a hint of toes was evident along the top edge of the prints. We scouted both the ridge and land bridge areas but no other traces could be located. The field trip ended around 4:30 PM and we then went to Don's house.
Don showed us his film of the white sasquatch, which he ran through several times, and then several more times in slow motion. At first it did not look like much, but the more you watched it, the more you could make out the swing of the arm and scissors action of the legs. It looked like there could even be two, although the film sequence was so short (approx. 1.5 sec) that it was impossible to make out anything for sure. Sightings is supposed to be analyzing this so maybe with enhancement the sasquatch can be isolated and clarified.
With the clock at 6 PM and four hours to drive, we decided to call it a day and take off. Brian, Jim. and I headed back and Peggy and Veronica stayed the night. Subsequently, Peggy's trip to a haunted house turned up many weird phenomena. We arrived back at the Tillman's around 9 PM. I dropped Brian off at his house around 10 PM and got home around 11 PM.
Although we did not get to all of the places we had intended, the day was a success. I think we were in the stomping ground of a sasquatch. Future outings to this area will probably meet with success. Don Keeting was very helpful and without him the day would have been a total loss. Of all the areas I have checked out this one seems to have the most recent traces. Considering the remoteness of the area and the recent sightings this would be the best place to hunt for sasquatch.
(1) A.S.K.
Associates for Scientific Knowledge
© 1995 George Clappison